Our group is always looking to engage with the community and form allegiances with local community organisations. Kincumber Bensville Sea Scouts have forged strong ties with Empire Bay Progress Association. We've assisted COSS in the planting of 2500 shrubs for the yellow bellied Glider and the Potoroo. In 2018 we became world record holders when we joined in the Star Gazing world record attempt.

Our youth members and leaders represent KBSS by proudly marching at the Empire Bay ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day services every year.

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We also represent the Gosford District by marching at the Gosford Christmas parade.

Our group volunteers our services for Clean-Up Australia Day. We also have been represented at the Empire Bay Spring Fair, Davistown Putt Putt Regatta, the Rotary Club four villages walk, McHappy Day, Red Shield Appeal and the Kincumber Festival.

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